The Introduction of Human being
Humans or Homo sapiens,( Latin for "wise man" or "knowing man") are the only living species in the Homo genus. Anatomically modern humans originated in Africa about 5,000,000-200,000 years ago in Pleistocene , reaching full behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago. They create material culture and non- material culture...
The Introduction of Human being
Man and Culture
Culture is manmade , consists of the abstract value, beliefs, and perception of the world that lie behind people’s behavior, and which that behavior reflects. These are shared by the members of a society, and when acted upon, they produce behavior considered acceptable within that society. Cultures are learned, largely through the medium of language, rather than inherited biologically, and the parts of a culture function as an integrated whole...
Man and Culture
Man and Society
Society may be defined as a group of people occupying a specific locality ,who are dependent on each other for survival and who share a common culture. The way in which these people depend upon each other can be seen in such things as their economic systems and their family relationships; moreover, members of society are held together by a sense of group identity...
Man and Society
Culture theories
Culture theory is the branch of anthropology that seeks to define the concept of culture in operational and/or scientific terms. In the 19th century, "culture" was used by some to refer to a wide array of human activities, and by others as a synonym for "civilization". In the 20th century, anthropologists began theorizing about culture as an object of scientific analysis...
Culture theories